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About Huey-Chih Ho



     Huey-Chih Ho was born  in Taipei, Taiwan, and studied painting at the Chinese Culture University, graduating in 1994 with a B.F.A. before coming to the United States to continue her studies at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth (M.F.A., 1997). She was a visiting lecturer at the Massachusetts College of Art (1997-98). Since moving back to her home city, Taipei in 1998, she has taught studio art at HungKuo Delin University of Technology General Education Center and eight different community colleges for 15 years and is currently teaching at the Fu Jen Catholic University, National Taiwan Normal University Division of Preparatory Programs for Overseas Chinese Students, and the PanChiao Community College in Taiwan.

     Huey-Chih Ho was awarded the gold prize from the 40th National Oil Painting Exhibition in Taiwan, 2016, the gold prize in oil painting category from National Art Exhibition at the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, 2014, and the first prize from the 17th DA DUN Fine Arts Exhibition in Taiwan, 2012. She is the recipient of three-time grants (2000, 2006, 2013) from National Cultural and Art Foundation in Taiwan and has been awarded residencies to the Sam & Adele Golden Foundation, NY, and the Vermont Studio Center ,VT. She has exhibited in solo shows and group exhibitions in the United State, Taiwan, China, Singapore. Her work is included in public collections such as nineteen of her paintings in Art Bank Taiwan’s Collection, Taoyuan Museum of Fine Arts, National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, CTBC Bank, E.Sun Commercial Bank, Taming Senior High School, Wang Yuan-Lin Culture Art Foundation, Taiwan National Exhibition Committee for Arts, Chung Yuan Christian University Art Center, Ke-Yuan Gallery, New Taipei City Government Sport Office Hsinchuang Gymnasiumand Zhangqihua Culture & Art Foundation and Taiwan Ambassador private collections. She currently lives and works in Taipei City.

     賀蕙芝出生於台北台灣,1993年畢業於中國文化大學美術系,1997年取得美國麻州大學達特茅斯分校美術系創作組碩士。在美國麻州藝術學院擔任客座講師一年,回台後任教於宏國德霖科技大學和社區大學15年,現職為輔仁大學進修部藝術與文化創意學士學位學程以及國立臺灣師範大學僑生先修部兼任講師。 賀蕙芝曾獲得台中市第17屆大墩美展油畫類第一名,國美館103年全國美術展油畫類金牌獎,中華民國油畫學會第40屆全國油畫展金獎,台灣南部美術協會第66年南部展油畫類金牌獎。她榮獲三次(2000,2006,2013)國藝會美術展覽和創作贊助,及2013年美國佛蒙特工作室中心藝術家駐村創作獎助和2017年美國紐約州高登藝術基金會藝術家駐留計畫創作獎助。她多次個展和聯展於美國、台灣、中國和新加坡。她的作品被公共典藏於文化部藝術銀行、桃園市立美術館、國立高雄科技大學、美國高登藝術基金會、財團法人王源林文化藝術基金會、中國信託銀行、國美館【青年藝術家作品購藏】、玉山銀行、台中市私立大明高中、臺灣藝術研究院、張啟華文化藝術基金會、中原大學藝術中心、科元藝術中心、新北市新莊體育場,以及台灣駐外大使等私人典藏。她現在生活和工作於新北市。

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